Past Presidents

EJ Lawson Soulsby [1963 - 1967]

Jacques Euzeby [1967 - 1971]

G Laemmler [1971 - 1975]

Sayed Gaafar [1975 - 1979]

Sayed Gaafar [1979 - 1983]

Johannes Eckert [1983 - 1987]

George Urquhart [1987 - 1991]

J Owen D Slocombe [1991 - 1995]

Roger K Prichard [1995 - 1999]

RC (Tammi) Krecek [1999 - 2003]

Jozef Vercruysse [2003 - 2007]

Tom Kennedy [2007 - 2011]

Peter Holdsworth [2011 - 2015]

Doug Colwell [2015 - 2019]


The World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) is a not-for-profit organization for scientists who study the parasites of non-human animals, encompassing helminthology, protozoology and entomology. WAAVP membership is open to veterinarians and others who are actively interested in the advancement of veterinary parasitology, anywhere in the world. Members receive a newsletter twice a year and members are welcome, and encouraged, to contribute to this. The Association gathers at a biennial scientific conference.

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